The University of “Haxhi Zeka” in Peja (UHZ) is a descendant of the Faculty of Business and Applied Sciences (FSHAB) in Peja that was established in 1960 by the decision taken by Government of the Kosova — as the High Economic – Commercial School.
At the University of “Haxhi Zeka” there are five faculties: Faculty of Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty for Management in Tourism, Hostility and Environment, Faculty of Agri-Business and Faculty of Arts. Around 13000 students are enrolled.
The University of “Haxhi Zeka” is established as a higher education institution for research and science, which will issue diplomas and science grades from bachelor up to the level of the doctorate (PhD). Our mission is to contribute to the continuous development and capacity building through the preparation of qualified individuals in various fields. Moreover, the UHZ mission is to prepare our students for the job market by equipping them with the skills and competences.